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Hebrew Calendar Calculator Software Free Download Updated FREE

Hebrew Calendar Calculator Software Free Download

  • Overview
  • Functionnalities
  • Review
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  • What's new
  • Screenshots
  • Videos
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Future improvements
  • Changelog
  • More information and archives


Ordisoftware™ Hebrew Agenda is a libre and open up-source software written in C# that allows to generate a agenda based on solar and lunar cycles in order to decide the new yr and the celebration times according to the Hebrew Torah, besides as to remind Shabbat and Pesach, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Kippur and Sukkot festivities.

Mozilla Public License ii.0


  • Generate a agenda with sun and moon rises and sets.
  • View by tabular text report, visual calendar month or information grid.
  • Airship tip from the Tray Icon to navigate betwixt days with a summary.
  • Issue reminder for Shabat and celebrations.
  • Indicate the weekly parashah.
  • Search for a 24-hour interval, a month, or a celebration.
  • Window listing the side by side celebrations.
  • Window showing a board of celebrations by years.
  • Window showing a lath of new moons by years.
  • Window showing a board of lunar months with descriptions.
  • Window showing a lath of parashot with descriptions
  • Window showing a board of commemoration verses.
  • Tools for the study of parashot and celebrations.
  • Summate the difference betwixt two dates with bookmarks.
  • Advanced dialog to salvage, copy to the clipboard and print the view and the data.
  • Supported consign file formats: TXT, CSV, JSON, PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP.
  • English, French.


  • Softpedia.com
    Efficient and intuitive calendar and reminder app for the Hebrew Torah.
  • Anxz.com
    Powerful comprehensive Hebrew calendar software that any user can easily use.


  • Screen 1024x768 or higher.
  • Works under Windows 7 x32/x64 or college.
  • Requires the Framework .NET four.8 included.
  • Uses SQLite 3.35.five included.
  • C# source code included.
  • Kaspersky Antivirus and VirusTotal.com verified.
  • SHA512: ec6ddac93d425ded087d3b4afbb5d2d87d89c0d0bf16a5668b9cdc98023b39907782f1440aaedd061a58aa239a9db68d3a87d32f5c831d32892f689a1fd37491

Hebrew Calendar 9.25

Size: 32.6 MiB
Upload: 14 January 2019
Update: 22 Feb 2022
Final download: 28 February 2022
Total downloads: 3,778

What'south new

Version 9

  • Added mouse hover result in monthly view.
  • Added context menu for days in monthly view.
  • Added bookmarks to context carte in monthly view.
  • Added some options and colors for monthly view.
  • Added option to set active day by click in monthly view.
  • Added option for double-click in visual calendar month to prepare active or select.
  • Added some keyboard shortcuts to modify and select solar day in monthly view.
  • Added celebration verses board and its command-line pick.
  • Added option to evidence current celebration in the championship bar.
  • Added some parashah and celebrations online providers for the study.
  • Moved solar day of shabat option to the generation tab of the preferences class.
  • Improved web links menus to brandish those in the current language to the top.
  • The monthly view shows sun times instead of moon when using lord's day omer.
  • Fixed some bank check boxes in celebrations and new moons boards.
  • Fixed consign to remove all agile and selected day marks in monthly view.
  • Some fixes and improvements.
  • Optimized lawmaking.
  • Updated web links.
  • Changelog



Frequently asked questions

What to exercise if the check update tells that the SSL certificate is incorrect or expired?

The software verifies the validity of the certificate of the update server in add-on to the SHA-512 checksum of the installation file before downloading and running it. This certificate is normally updated inside the ii months of its annual expiration and a new version is released. You can manually check the latest version available online in instance of problem.

What to do if the monthly view is ugly?

Reset the preferences to default: it will restore the corrupted values in case of a problem subsequently install or upgrade.

What to do if the application does not work normally despite restoring settings?

Use the kickoff menu link "Ordisoftware\Hebrew Calendar\Reset Hebrew Calendar settings". This will erase all settings as well as those of old versions, which should resolve bug if there is a conflict, otherwise delight contact support.

What is the Windows double-buffering?

When enabled, this will speed upwards rendering of the main class when it is displayed, but it may crusade a slight black flicker.

When disabled, top menu painting may cause latency.

What are known problems?

Data generated for cities near the poles can be inconsistent the closer we get, especially with the moon omer, due to some weird ephemeris.

Thus celebration dates may exist wrong.

What are control-line options?

  • Modify interface linguistic communication (does not alter the text report unless using --generate):

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Agenda.exe --lang [en|fr]

  • Testify the main window:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Agenda.exe --show

  • Hibernate the chief window:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --hide

  • Generate the calendar data:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Agenda.exe --generate

  • Reset the reminder:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --resetreminder

  • Show the navigation window:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Agenda.exe --navigate

  • Show the dates difference calculator:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --diffdates

  • Testify the celebration verses lath:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --celebrationverses

  • Show the celebrations lath:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --celebrations

  • Bear witness the new moons board:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --newmoons

  • Show the parashot lath:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --parashot

  • Show the weekly parashah description box:

Ordisoftware.Hebrew.Calendar.exe --parashah

These options are cumulative and tin can be used to command the software when information technology is already running.

It is therefore possible to utilise AutoHotKey to ascertain for example this Shift + Ctrl + Alt + P command:

Why do the dates generated differ from those in the Hebrew authorities' calendar?

The dates generated with the strict omer of the moon or the dominicus can differ from those in the Hebrew regime' calendar, but astronomically speaking, at that place is no mistake, unless in that location is a trouble to be corrected.

The software calculates the days co-ordinate to the moon or the sun and various parameters relating to the stars and the seasons which mean that the dates can sometimes differ at certain points of the calendar established according to traditional standards.

Thus the software tin sometimes indicate the same days as the official agenda, and sometimes 1 to two or 3 days of shift, because of this new moon date which is sometimes not in astronomical correspondence, and the same goes for the calculation of holidays.

It tin likewise happen that over 10 or 20 years at that place is a lag of one month due to Adar Two due to the calculation rule used to determine the 1st Nissan and Pesach which is that Pesach is the 14th solar day of the first seasonal month in the first total moon post-obit the spring equinox.

But even with these lags, Pesach, co-ordinate to the software, is all the same the kickoff new moon following the jump equinox, and if it lags it falls at worst every bit the traditional calendar's Pesach Sheni, or vice versa, and within a few hours which generally remain within the 3% universal margin.

The software does not all the same offer an choice to generate a calendar conforming to the Halakhah of Sod Ha'ibur or science of moving stars.

What are the times of commemoration?

The times of the Torah's celebrations are Pesa'h or Easter which is the liberation of illusions, Shavu'ot or Weeks which is the gift of knowledge, Teru'ah or Ringtone which is the joy of being freedom, Kipurim or Amende which is the sorrows of losses, and Sukot or Tabernacles which is the construction of the time to come.

These are important moments of the lunar yr in the solar wheel whose purpose is to provide a chivalrous evolution of consciousness by the knowledge of the laws of the universe and of life. The Torah says to count these days co-ordinate to the moon, as opposed to Shabat which is counted according to the sun.

The application uses by default moon omer for celebrations.

If yous use moon omer and so celebrations dates volition exist calculated according to seasons and in that location will be an inversion betwixt north and south hemispheres. In this case, a mean solar day is from one moon set to the next set.

You can use traditionnals sun days by modifying the selection in the reminder, hence celebrations will exist same in north and south. In this case, a day is from 1 lord's day set to the next set.

What is Shabat?

The Shabat is the "day of residual" where 1 do not work for a livelihood. Unless at that place is a vital emergency, the body, the emotions and the spirit are resting there. The written report of the Torah is a privileged activity.

The tradition attributes this 24-hour interval to Saturday. We can however call back according to Béréshit one.ane that in the case where the showtime twenty-four hours is the day of birth every bit a corollary to the fusion of the gametes then it takes identify the day before: thus a person coming to the earth on a Sun will have his Shabat the Saturday. From Béréshit 1.5 and 1.16 besides as from Shémot 20.8 information technology can be deduced that information technology lasts from sunset on the eve of the agenda day to sunset on the same 24-hour interval. For example, for a person born in Paris, the Shabat of Feb xix, 2019 takes identify from Fri 18 at 17:25 to Saturday at 17:25 approximately.

The personal Shabat of a maried or concubin or divorced homo is the previous day of the nascency. A son follows his father'southward Shabat. The Shabat of a woman is the Shabat of her father or her husband or her concubin. And so the human and the adult female respect their mutual cycles. Indeed, during the period when the married or concubine or divorced woman is Nidah from the starting time to the finish of the blood flow, her vital field is dissonant and the couple avoid touching each other (the virgin girl is non concerned every bit long as she had no relations through the openings of the begetting) to avoid to increment besides as to transmit this state to things and people (otherwise we follow the rules of the Torah virtually that).

If the man were built-in between midnight and the sunset, the Shabat is the day before. Betwixt sunset and midnight, the Shabat is that day. This solar day is from previous day (or previous previous day) at sunset to this day (or previous day) at sunset. The solar day of the Shabat goes from sunset on the previous calendar 24-hour interval to sunset of that twenty-four hours, with 3% of natural margin that to say about one hour. The day before, either the man keeps without going out and strengthens the couple during the Shabat, or he goes out and lights up the couple for Shabat, but on Shabat he does not go out of his temple, and except in case of emergency nosotros exercise not produce, transform and destroys nothing, nosotros don't plan anything, we don't work, we don't cook, we don't shave, nosotros don't cut, we don't make fire, nosotros don't care about information, etc. But we can for example take part in sports, written report scientific discipline and play with children.

If you prefer to use the traditional grouping Shabat, select for example Saturday for Judaism, Lord's day for Christianity or Friday for Islam.

What are parashot?

The study of the Weekly Torah portion begins at Sim'hat Torah with the Bereshit section on 22 Tishri in the Land of Israel, or on 23 in Mitsraïm and in the desert, that is on the last day of Sukot, or the next day.

It ends with total reading on Shabat, or the next Shabat if Sim'lid Torah occurs on Shabat. The day after Shabat we move on to the next parashah that we report during the week by reading comments, listening to conferences, learning about scientific discipline, and examining messages, words and verses, to read it in full on Shabat. And and so on from week to week to go through the Torah in a year to build a improve future world for oneself, for ane's family, for one's community, for ane'due south country, for the Nations, and for the species, thanks to Pesa'h, Shavu'ot, Teru'ah, Kipurim, and Sukot.

Israël is the conceptual worldwide state of the righteous chivalrous whose body+spirit, and therefore DNA, is to some notable extent free from ignorance and evil. Sim'hat Torah means "Joy [bestowed by the] Torah" and a Lettriq of Sim'chapeau is "Sharing of the Service which Sustains the Affair": it is therefore the joy resulting from the beneficial help of the Torah and those which follow the laws of the state where one lives and the Doctrine of YHVH which take for 1 and only fundamental purpose to protect the life and the goods of the people without harming even the wicked and the criminals.

The number of Parashot is 54 that is to say נד which is the Power of the Student and that root means To pass from the malevolent world to that of the good.

The generation of Parashot relating to Shabatot with the omer of the moon or the sun without the sod ha'ibur is non guaranteed to be traditional  especially as the application generates dates, although based on the lunar wheel, which can sometimes vary a little from official calendars, especially if the moon omer is used and fifty-fifty more with the personal shabat.

Keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + Tab Side by side view
Shift + Ctrl + Tab Previous view
F1 Text written report view
F2 Month view
F3 Database grid view
F4 Next celebrations window
F5 Search a commemoration window
F6 Search a moon month window
F7 Search a gregorian month window
F9 (or Ctrl + N) Navigation window
Ctrl + T (or Numpad0) Go to today
Ctrl + D Search a day
Ctrl + S Salvage current view to a file
Ctrl + C Re-create current view to clipboard
Ctrl + P Impress current view
Shift + Ctrl + C Copy the text report option to clipboard
Alt + V View menu
Alt + T Tools carte du jour
Alt + 50 Web links menu
Alt + S Settings bill of fare
Alt + I Information menu
Alt + East Consign binder
Alt + C Windows calculator
Alt + D Windows engagement and time settings
Alt + M Windows atmospheric condition
Alt + W Online conditions
Alt + Chiliad Generate calendar
Alt + P Show online parashah menu
Alt + A Celebration verses board
Ctrl + F1 Parashot board
Ctrl + F2 Celebrations board
Ctrl + F3 Moons board
Ctrl + F4 Lunar months board
Ctrl + F5 Dates difference calculator
Home First calendar month available in the database
End Terminal month available in the database
Up (or PageUp) Previous yr
Downward (or PageDown) Next year
Left Previous month
Right Adjacent calendar month
Ctrl + Left Previous month having a commemoration
Ctrl + Correct Adjacent month having a celebration
Ctrl + Home Offset month having a commemoration
Ctrl + End Last month having a celebration
Shift + Upward Previous week
Shift + Down Next week
Shift + Left Previous 24-hour interval
Shift + Correct Next mean solar day
Add or Substract Change active day
Shift + Click Set active day
Ctrl + Click Select day
F9 Preferences
F10 Log file window
F11 Usage statistics window
F12 About
Alt + F4 (or Escape) Close window
Ctrl + Alt + F4 Exit application

Time to come improvements

  • Improve machine-hide navigation window after a delay when it was displayed by tray icon popup and no interaction.
  • Add choice to set primary source for check update between author website or GitHub.
  • Add print boards.
  • Add nighttime theme for monthly view.
  • Add user reminders for solar and lunar anniversary of birth.
  • Add user reminders for small religious festivals.
  • Add together 'Hanouka and Pourim ancillary religious festivals and pick to consider them or not in the calendar.
  • Add option to generate calendar using the rules of the Sod Ha'ibour instead of the strict astronomical moon or sun omer.


9.25 - 2022.02.22

  • Fix Tetsave hebrew transcription by calculation the ending h.
  • Update spider web links with Tehilim playlist.

9.24 - 2022.02.08

  • Set up Tetsave hebrew proper name and lettriq: parashot lath need to exist restored or edited, meet ParashotFactory.txt and Parashot-Lettriqs.txt in application'southward document binder.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Update web links about celebrations, calendar and judaism.

ix.23 - 2022.02.01

  • Refactor and set lawmaking.
  • Update spider web links most languages, judaism, rabbis and playlists.

9.22 - 2021.12.31

  • Improve and fix text of context menu item to open up celebration verses in monthly view.

ix.21 - 2021.12.28

  • Change context menu items lodge for monthly view.
  • Fix context menu items sun icons for monthly view.

ix.20 - 2021.12.24

  • Set selecting sun omer in preferences grade on get-go launch.

nine.19 - 2021.12.23

  • Meliorate preferences form.
  • Better notices.

9.18 - 2021.12.21

  • Few fixes and improvements.
  • Add Judaism 101 website link.

ix.17 - 2021.12.19

  • Add together open parashah in Hebrew Words menu items in main form, navigation window and reminder box.
  • Improve weekly parashah menu items in primary form, navigation window and reminder box.
  • Remove upper case of parashah in primary form title bar.
  • Change items order of context carte du jour of parashot lath.
  • Change items society of Tools menu.
  • Fix monthly view parashah context menu.
  • Fix generation of weekly parashah days concerning sure cases of Sukot and Sim'chapeau Torah.
  • Few UI fixes.

9.16 - 2021.12.xvi

  • Maintenance release.
  • Add months and days find.
  • Some fixes.
  • Refactoring.
  • Update assist.
  • Update web links.
  • Update hebrew applications' icons.

nine.15 - 2021.12.05

  • Change web check update to use GitHub equally an alternative if author's website is down.
  • Better database direction code.
  • Prepare web check update to not brandish timeout error in auto check mode.
  • Few fixes and improvements.

9.14 - 2021.eleven.thirty

  • Update WorldCities DB to the latest version (41,000 instead of 13,000 and some corrections).
  • Meliorate loading cities to be done in background at the startup.

9.13 - 2021.eleven.25

  • Improve nigh box to dynamically display the list of dependencies and media used.
  • Add bear witness but log files having errors in trace form.
  • Few fixes and improvements.
  • Code refactoring.

ix.12 - 2021.11.21

  • Fix 2nd click on date in reminder box sometimes goes to the first twenty-four hour period.
  • Prepare lock session link in auto-lock box that practise a standby.
  • Few fixes.
  • Code refactoring.
  • French and English corrections.
  • Reorganize web links to avoid issues on small-scale screens.

ix.11 - 2021.eleven.14

  • Fix Windows version detection.
  • French and English corrections.
  • Upgrade to Visual Studio 2022 and C# 10.
  • Update setup for Framework .Cyberspace iv.8
  • Code refactoring.

nine.10 - 2021.11.09

  • Fix UI refresh after showing principal form.
  • Update arrangement menu.
  • Update SQLitePCL.raw nuget.

9.9 - 2021.10.17

  • Gear up zero exception on select current day.
  • Update web links.

9.eight - 2021.10.08

  • Fix chief class championship bar refresh.
  • Set up open up all links count.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Update and reorganize web links.

nine.7 - 2021.x.02

  • Fix a issues introduced in previous version for the celebration verses board.

ix.half-dozen - 2021.09.29

  • Add option to show current commemoration in the title bar.
  • Fix title bar not updated in case of fullscreen or screensacer.
  • Fix frozen reminder boxes while mouse is over the monthly view.
  • Set up showing new parashah description box after shabat when a celebration is in progress.

nine.5 - 2021.09.26

  • Improve interaction with monthly view.
  • Amend mean solar day context carte du jour to indicate the celebration.
  • Add some parashah and celebrations online providers for the study.
  • Update web links.

nine.4 - 2021.09.24

  • Add together search next parashah from today in parashot board.
  • Better consign filename for celebrations and new moons boards.
  • Fix save and copy images to remove all special boxes.
  • Fix some check boxes in celebrations and new moons boards.
  • Few fixes and improvements.

9.three - 2021.09.23

  • Add option to choose activity for double-click in visual month: naught, set active or select mean solar day.
  • Add Ctrl + Click to select solar day even if the related selection is disabled.
  • Add Shift + Arrows keyboard shortcuts to move to previous or next twenty-four hours or week.
  • Move twenty-four hours of shabat selection to the generation tab of the preferences form.
  • Fix press to remove all special boxes.
  • Some fixes and improvements.

nine.2 - 2021.09.22

  • Add Shift + Click to change active day fifty-fifty if the related option is disabled.
  • Add Apps keyboard shortcut to display the contextual menu in monthly view.
  • Ameliorate visual calendar month to brandish agile day earlier month proper name.
  • Better alert box for big calendar generation to disable choice to ask confirmation.
  • Improve spider web links menus to display those in the electric current language to the top.
  • Fix date deviation from visual calendar month context menu when starting twenty-four hour period is after the actual or selected.
  • Gear up hover effect not shown on selected or today.
  • Some fixes and improvements.
  • Optimize code.
  • Update web links.

9.i - 2021.09.twenty

  • Add bookmarks to context carte du jour in monthly view.
  • Add together parashot board link in shabat reminder box when no weekly parashah available.
  • Fix bug with no selected day on changing day at midnight.

ix.0 - 2021.09.19

  • Add together context carte for days in monthly view.
  • Add change active mean solar day by click in monthly view.
  • Add select solar day by double click in monthly view.
  • Add together options for that in preferences windows.
  • Add mouse hover consequence in monthly view.
  • Add some options and colors for monthly view.
  • Add together Ctrl+B and Decimal shortcuts to go to selected day.
  • Add celebration verses lath.
  • Add --celebrationverses command-line selection to prove this board.
  • Add link in reminder box to open verses lath.
  • Add Tools binder in the application's organisation first menu.
  • The monthly view displays solar hours in case of sun omer.
  • Remove option to show sun times equally tooltips considering of the new context menu.
  • Update web links.
  • Some fixes and improvements.
  • Lawmaking refactoring.

eight.10 - 2021.09.06

  • Fix showing linked parashah even if not linked.

eight.9 - 2021.09.05

  • Add copy to clipboard push in parashah description box.
  • Fix preferences volume rail bar on load.
  • Update sqlite-cyberspace-pcl nuget.
  • Nuget SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green must remain v2.0.four.

8.viii - 2021.08.thirty

  • Add --parashah control-line option to bear witness the weekly parashah description box.
  • Add option to enable or disable unicode icons in navigation window.
  • Modify weekly parashah master menu icon.
  • Alter database vacuum to be instantaneous.
  • Fix additional championship bar text unassigned immediately subsequently refreshing reminder.
  • Fix open up Hebrew Letters for words catastrophe by a single numbering letter of the alphabet.
  • Some fixes and improvements.

8.7 - 2021.08.20

  • Fix incorrect linked parashah description shown from the navigation window.

8.6 - 2021.08.13

  • Add option to show book name and poesy reference in parashah labels.

viii.5 - 2021.08.ten

  • Fix navigation window that open the wrong (next volume) parashah for reading online.

8.four - 2021.08.08

  • Set up principal form and shabat reminder box that open the wrong (adjacent book) parashah for reading online.

8.three - 2021.08.05

  • Add MSN weather online provider.
  • Add pick to close navigation window when clicked on prove chief grade.
  • Fix preferences and navigation window control tabs.
  • Set default Letters and Words paths in case of very onetime versions.
  • Some improvements.

8.2 - 2021.07.23

  • Add option to testify or hibernate lockout icon in reminder box.
  • Add together options to show the weekly parashah clarification box at startup and later on Shabat while running.
  • Add together option to disable loading and processing boxes for powerful computers.
  • Ameliorate weekly parashah labels to prove book name.
  • Improve study parashah online to not open twice a website if link does not have a replacement design.
  • Amend navigation window with more buttons.
  • Set weekly parashah clarification box that does non bear witness linked parashah.
  • Fix current twenty-four hours labels not correctly updated when new day is triggered.
  • Fix Ctrl+Arrows doesn't work after opened preferences until clicked on the monthly view.
  • Set up click on transport to tray icon is selected when main form is reopened.
  • Fix reminder problems introduced in previous version : events are non reminded n-hours before when returning from fullscreen.
  • Fix append menu tray is disabled on outset until preferences is opened and closed.
  • Fix setup that creates the Start with Windows registry fundamental even unchecked.
  • Some fixes and improvements.
  • Update web links.

8.ane - 2021.05.31

  • Set error on opening online verse from reminder box and parashot board.
  • Fix preferences and reminder box controls tab index.
  • Improve parashot menus.
  • Update spider web links.

8.0 - 2021.05.28

  • Switch from SQLite ODBC Driver to SQLite-Net with SQLitePCLraw nugets.
  • Optimize overall performances.
  • Improve auto-lock session box.
  • Add together option to choose default auto-lock activeness.
  • Add lockout push for menu in active reminder box.
  • Add parashot context menu in shabat reminder box, navigation window, and tools bill of fare.
  • Add together open principal course when click on the moon image in navigation window.
  • Add choice to ask to regenerate data at startup if years interval is larger than 20% the default setting.
  • Some fixes and improvements.
  • Code refactoring and quality improvement.
  • Replace custom TraceListener by SeriLog.
  • Ameliorate trace grade.

7.3 - 2021.05.09

  • Add context menu to report and read online the weekly parashah in navigation and reminder boxes.
  • Amend the primary form weekly parashah tools menu.
  • Fix tray balloon is displayed before the looming delay when mouse is no more over the tray icon if not auto-hidden.

vii.2 - 2021.04.30

  • Improve parashot form to ensure visibility of the electric current one when opening.
  • Meliorate spider web check update timeout to 5s.
  • Fix drop downward menus shown on another monitor instead of the aforementioned screen.
  • Fix tray airship is redisplayed if not machine-hidden and airtight as well quickly.
  • Code refactoring and quality improvement.

7.one - 2021.04.xv

  • Add option to testify the weekly parashah in the shabat reminder box
  • Improve the shabat reminder box to prove the weekly parashah.
  • Improve tray icon to show special day color even when the reminder is disabled.
  • Ready tray icon no more shown paused when reminder is disabled since previous version.
  • Prepare generate command-line selection does nothing.
  • Add together command-line option to reset the reminder [--resetreminder].
  • Some UI/UX fixes and improvements.

7.0 - 2021.03.23

  • Add parashah notice.
  • Add parashot board with literal translations, lettriqs, verses references, study tools, edition and export.
  • Add generate weekly parashah lecture in the database.
  • Add together card item in Tools to the weekly parashah study page of some spider web sites.
  • Add option to set parashah generation for within or outside of Israël.
  • Add pick to gear up parashah reading always on sat.
  • Add together pick to indicate parashah in the Shabatot of the visual month.
  • Add pick to indicate current parashah in the application title bar.
  • Add option to bespeak current lunar twenty-four hour period in the application title bar.
  • Add together pick to prepare visual agenda events line spacing that is reduced to brandish parashah.
  • Add common database in roaming to store parashot tabular array and inter-process locking table.
  • Add together a different Tray Icon to indicate if a Shabat or a celebration twenty-four hour period is running.
  • Add option to enable or disable this special day Tray Icon.
  • Add new in version find in the Information menu.
  • Add together option to show the final new in version later a software update.
  • Add prove usage statistics from well-nigh box.
  • Add check update from about box.
  • Add export to TXT back up for all boards.
  • Add together Ctrl + Home/End/Left/Right shortchut to navigate between months having celebrations.
  • Add together command-line options (see FAQ).
  • Improve text study and monthly view to bear witness long-week commemoration intermediate days.
  • Improve navigation form to evidence parashah long-week celebration intermediate days.
  • Improve search event, lunar calendar month and gregorian calendar month windows.
  • Improve celebrations and new moons boards to allow the use of english columns title and exports.
  • Amend celebrations board export file name to indicate moon or sun omer and set or rise.
  • Better Tray Icon mouse move management.
  • Improve reminder box.
  • Improve automatic web check update to not run when Shabat and a special celebration solar day just the next 24-hour interval.
  • Change some keyboard shortcuts.
  • Alter the minimum yr to generate to two years before instead of one in order to have consistency with the parashot.
  • Alter exported text files to exist in UTF-8 encoding.
  • Set up celebrations boards incorrect times for sunday omer that were from moon set or rise instead of sunday.
  • Fix lunar day without moon rise is non shown in text report and visual calendar in the case of sunday omer.
  • Fix moonrise sometimes attributed to previous day when existence 00:00.
  • Some fixes and UI/UX improvements.
  • Some file and code refactoring.
  • Add Serilog-sinks-winforms NuGet package.
  • Add some online bible providers and update chabad.org.
  • Update web links.
  • Update help files.

six.8 - 2021.01.17

  • Prepare the last twenty-four hour period of Pesa'h and Sukot, when using moon omer, if moonrise occurs the next day, to be this twenty-four hour period.
  • Update spider web links.

6.7 - 2021.01.14

  • Reorganize, improve and update web links.
  • Add more jewish calendars entries.
  • Add together more languages entries.

vi.half-dozen - 2021.01.07

  • Prepare visual calendar too optimized in v6.3 (not repainted when resizing the window).

half dozen.5 - 2021.01.03

  • Add celebrations and new moons boards export.
  • Amend names of export files.

6.4 - 2021.01.31

  • Add country and urban center characterization in the middle of the subtitle.
  • Add moon or sun omer label in the correct of the subtitle.
  • Add together country and metropolis to the window's title bar of celebrations and new moons boards.
  • Add together option to choose online weather provider between meteoblue.com and weather.com.
  • Add option to choose between daily or weekly way for online atmospheric condition.
  • Add option to show or hide weather carte du jour items.
  • Add together option to set the corner of the desktop to place reminder boxes, default being lesser-right.
  • Meliorate preferences course to select all, none or default events in list boxes.
  • Gear up automatic position of the navigation window abreast the Tray Icon when the Taskbar is not at the bottom of the screen.
  • Fix appointment bookmarks count is not saved if chenged in preferences.
  • Fix sound is played when opening preferences form if volume is less than 100%.
  • Update NuGet packages to final versions.
  • Code refactoring and lawmaking quality improvements.

half-dozen.3 - 2021.01.10

  • Add together launch arrangement weather app like MSN Weather.
  • Add together choice to define system atmospheric condition app.
  • Add choice to enable Windows double-buffering drawing.
  • Optimize visual month painting speed.
  • Fix Rotate view is done simply between visual month and filigree.
  • Prepare nothing exception later on irresolute current day once preferences course airtight.
  • Fix exception when running application having a config file merely no database if deleted.
  • Code refactoring (preferences).
  • Update help.

6.2 - 2021.01.01

  • Add evidence online weather condition in browser using meteoblue.com.
  • Add new moons lath with clickable dates and selection of years interval.
  • Add together option for boards to utilize abbreviated names of month and day of week.
  • Add choice for boards to show real days having the moonset, else employ the moonrise.
  • Add option for boards to testify or hibernate hours.
  • Improve superlative card bar.
  • Improve information menu.
  • Improve Tray Icon menu.

6.1 - 2020.12.27

  • Add export and import preferences.
  • Add backup and restore date bookmarks.
  • Add option to become to today when main form popup else go along the selected.
  • Improve export dialog to select default image file format.
  • Improve celebrations board to signal the twenty-four hour period of the Shabat in the championship.
  • Improve text report to always show choice.
  • Fix text report to select the last grapheme of the line.
  • Fix impress text report interval that prints all lines.
  • Set resizing celebrations board from the top or left, and un-maximize.
  • Set up export dialog that has print image orientation option always enabled.
  • Fix navigation form that doesn't ballon when app is started hidden.
  • Prepare help shortcuts.
  • Some improvements.
  • Lawmaking refactoring.
  • Update spider web links.

6.0 - 2020.12.21

  • Add window celebrations board with clickable dates and selection of years interval.
  • Add together advanced print preview window.
  • Add select years interval to export/print, else process the entire report/filigree or only the current monthly view.
  • Add selection to set up the default print monthly view folio orientation.
  • Add together pick to prepare preferred information export file format (CSV/JSON)
  • Add together choice to set preferred image consign file format (PNG/JPEG/TIFF/BMP).
  • Add export information to JSON file.
  • Add pick for grid export to use enums names instead of translations
  • Add option to ready global HotKey to popup the principal form.
  • Add some keyboard shortcuts and change few.
  • Fix CSV export to add moon rise type field.
  • Set up moon months menu detail not available however in the principal grade is bachelor in the tray icon menu.
  • Few improvements.
  • Few fixes.
  • Lawmaking refactoring.
  • Add Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package.
  • Add MoreLINQ NuGet package.
  • Add Enums.Cyberspace NuGet parcel.
  • Add together Serilog-sinks-file NuGet package.
  • Add together InputSimulatorStandard NuGet package.
  • Add together Windows Global Hotkey dependency.
  • Update web links.
  • Update help

5.thirteen - 2020.12.xiii

  • Set up app does not start hidden at windows startup in v5.12.
  • Fix web check update box remains on meridian if clicked on view release notes.
  • Set button print not disabled when data filigree view and causes an unhandled error.
  • Set up custom wav is played twice when clicking on the radio box.
  • Fix visual calendar IDE design time exceptions.
  • Add Serilog NuGet package.

5.12 - 2020.12.12

  • Optimize statistics initialization at startup.
  • Fix usage statistics menu particular not disabled in tray carte du jour if stats are disabled at startup.
  • Fix buttons position in search event, lunar month and gregorian month windows.
  • Gear up file and retention sizes diplayed merely in english in usage statistics form.
  • Fix date bookmarks storage format that contradistinct the dates after language changed.
  • Ameliorate UI/UX.
  • Few fixes.
  • Replace AASharp source code dependency by the NuGet package.
  • Replace GenericParsing dependency past FileHelpers NuGet package.
  • Replace simple control line parser by CommandLineParser NuGet packet.
  • Code refactoring.
  • File arrangement refactoring.

5.11 - 2020.12.06

  • Add navigation buttons to search consequence, lunar calendar month and gregorian month windows.
  • Add relieve and load theme for monthly view, reminder boxes and navigation window.
  • Add impress text report.
  • Add printing option tab in preferences form.
  • Add together open up export folder in tools menu.
  • Change Markdownsharp dependency by Markdig NuGet package.
  • Update web links.
  • Update help.

5.x - 2020.12.01

  • Add view selection for save to file, copy to clipboard and print.
  • Add preview dialog for print monthly view.
  • Add choice to show print preview dialog.
  • Add option to set printing margin.
  • Add option to motorcar-open exported file.
  • Add together selection to set up the number of date bookmarks.
  • Add together option to restore the terminal view at startup else get to the month.
  • Add together option to enable/disable usage statistics.
  • Improve usage statistics form.
  • Improve start menu reset settings to delete all previous app settings folders in AppData\Local.
  • Better print epitome quality.
  • Ameliorate UI/UX.
  • Update help

5.9 - 2020.11.26

  • Add option to set automated db optimize frequency.
  • Add choice to set automatic spider web check update frequency.
  • Add selection to gear up export folder.
  • Add option to set application's volume.
  • Add option to prove tray balloon only if chief form is subconscious.
  • Add option to enable/disable success dialogs.
  • Add sounds to export, clipboard and print deportment.
  • Improve reminder sound pick box with more choices.
  • Better preferences grade.
  • Meliorate information card.
  • Better UI/UX.
  • Optimize past preloading sounds lists in a thread.
  • Refactor projection folders hierarchy.

5.8 - 2020.11.22

  • Add alter tab page using function keys in preferences form.
  • Ameliorate new version bachelor grade to show current version.
  • Set view log card particular not disabled when app started when log is disabled.
  • Set view log icon not disabled in stats grade when log is disabled.
  • Gear up small defect with tray icon images.
  • Update web links to better playlists and add the calendar of Torah-box.

5.seven - 2020.11.18

  • Fix offset carte icons lost since the v5.iii setup.

5.6 - 2020.11.15

  • Rework of the preferences grade design to have a Tab Control with pages.
  • Add together keyboard shortcuts notice in windows settings bill of fare.
  • Add option to set the Calculator application path.
  • Add option to fix the Hebrew Letters application path.
  • Add option for date diff computer grade to fix right date to today when opened.
  • Ready some preferences controls to be disabled when related options are disabled.
  • Fix utilise no colors pick.
  • Prepare print dialog does not have the focus when opened.
  • Fix french help.
  • Improve UI.
  • Update web links with Quran standard arabic lecture link.

5.5 - 2020.09.29

  • Set up electric current celebration reminder box closed when passing midnight.
  • Fix "bookmarks not found exception" when reseting parameters.
  • Remove title bar icon from reminder boxes.

5.4 - 2020.09.25

  • Add option to enable or disable starting time with Windows from the software that at present runs from the registry.
  • Improve weekly check update while running to manage on ability resume result.
  • Gear up bookmarks numbering from 0 instead of i introduced in the previous version.

five.3 - 2020.09.18

  • Add "Kickoff and reset preferences" link in Windows Start bill of fare.
  • Better date bookmarks to be saved to a file in user roaming binder instead of using awarding settings.
  • Prepare the inconsequential error: "The given key was missing from the dictionary in CheckCelebrationDay()".
  • Rename 32x32 icon files.

5.2 - 2020.09.11

  • Improve check update to verify the SSL certificate of the website and the checksum of the setup file.
  • Add sound choice for the reminder box.
  • Add permanent database file locking while running.
  • Ready justify text in advanced message boxes.
  • More refactorings.
  • Update help.

5.1 - 2020.09.08

  • Fix that sometimes the awarding is in the arrangement Tray Icon but does not starting time and freeze.
  • More code refactorings.

5.0 - 2020.09.06

  • Add keyboard shortcuts to navigate in the monthly view.
  • Add search gregorian month class.
  • Add tools menu duplicated in the tray icon.
  • Add strength database optimize at next startup in tools menu
  • Add choice to ascertain the years interval for car-generation.
  • Add together selection to enable or disable the spider web links menu.
  • Add together selection to enable or disable the append reminder functionality.
  • Add button to disable auto lock pick in lock session course.
  • Add choice to auto generate calendar when expired else show dialog box.
  • Add together option to prepare the maximum years interval immune to generate the data.
  • Add mute windows volume in improver to cease media playing in auto lock class.
  • Set "stop media playing" to terminate instead of play/pause media.
  • Fix day selection to let but generated years interval.
  • Improve dates diff calculator to show more than stats in a class having bookmarks.
  • Improve generate years box with predefined intervals and change some constants.
  • Amend GPS finder to try to auto-select time zone based on country or city names.
  • Amend monthly view cartoon speed by a half.
  • Improve data generation speed past a half.
  • Amend keyboard shortcuts.
  • Remove the generate years pick box at startup if database is empty or new.
  • Change default years interval generation to 10.
  • Modify text study that is no more stored in the database just in a file to avoid problems when using hudge interval.
  • Add together usage statistics class in tools menu.
  • Add together option to enable or disable bulletin boxes sounds.
  • Better message boxes.
  • Improve check update to allow car update or direct download or open app web page.
  • Improve debugger to support logging.
  • Meliorate exception form to view log.
  • Some UI/UX improvements.
  • Massive code refactoring.
  • Update assist.
  • Update to SQLite 3.32.iii ODBC Driver.
  • Update Framework .Cyberspace version to four.7.2 and supported Windows only 7 SP1 or higher.
  • Ameliorate setup.
  • The application now automatically creates the ODBC DSN in the Windows registry.

four.i - 2020.08.22

  • Add together bring to front app if process is started again.
  • Add choosing a delay to let auto enabling when suspending reminder.
  • Add left, right and up keys support to the navigation course.
  • Add together option to define moon solar day text format for monthly view.
  • Add together Windows date and time link in the tools menu.
  • Add release notes link in the information card.
  • Add information menu duplicated in the tray icon.
  • Add web links carte duplicated in the tray icon.
  • Fix reset preferences generates data before setup GPS if undefined that causes an exception.
  • Gear up GPS labels advent for Windows 10.
  • Fix reminder grade championship bar for Windows 10.
  • Fix Hebrew Letters path TextBox colour for Windows 10.
  • Fix long latency when opening preferences for the beginning fourth dimension in Windows 10.
  • Some fixes and improvements

4.0 - 2020.04.24

  • Exit awarding at startup if user choose to download a newer version.
  • Add together F1/F2/F3 shortcuts to select the view.
  • Add F4/F5/F6/F7 shortcuts to open searches windows.
  • Add moon month name to all days in the monthly view.
  • Add suspend reminder carte in the main grade and the tray icon.
  • Amend tray icon to evidence if the reminder is suspended.
  • Add together preferences carte in the tray icon.
  • Add together dialog box to choose sun or moon omer at first startup.
  • Add celebrations dialog box detect.
  • Improve personal Shabat dialog box find.
  • Amend preferences class.
  • Amend search celebration and moon month forms to use a combobox to select year.
  • Improve text report : Ctrl+A select all text.
  • Add month number column in the search moon month form.
  • Add tools menu.
  • Add celebrations and Shabat notices in tools menu.
  • Add calculate number of days between two dates in tools menu.
  • Add together link to windows computer in tools menu.
  • Add choice to change monthly view text size.
  • Add option to change monthly view dorsum and text colors for non-event days.
  • Add together option to car open destination folder of exports after washed.
  • Ready controls tabs and focus in auto lock session form.
  • Fix reset default monthly view colors in preferences course.
  • Set up edit written report text font size in preferences form.
  • Fix print bitmap size if the master grade is resized.
  • Fix search celebration and moon month forms when closing using the top-correct cross.
  • Fix celebration reminder that can be shown even the next twenty-four hour period besides with bad times.
    Few UI fixes.
  • Add menu for web links nigh judaism.
  • Add option to auto optimize database at startup once a week.
  • Add together choice to enable debugger.
  • Add together debugger (exception data form with GitHub issue creation).
  • Improve UI/UX.
  • Code refactoring.
  • Update help.

3.x - 2019.xi.12

  • Change dependency AAPlus for AASharp.
  • Improve data generation to testify all warnings.
  • Ready data generation for south hemisphere for the terminal year when using moon omer.

3.ix - 2019.11.11

  • Add shutdown, hibernate and standby actions to auto lock session dialog box.
  • Add option to stop current media playing to auto lock session dialog box.

iii.8 - 2019.11.04

  • Add option to auto lock session during Shabat and celebrations days.

3.seven - 2019.11.01

  • Update current day highlighting when passing midnight.
  • Fix first day of month non highlighted like other days.
  • Fix sun rising and set on the get-go twenty-four hour period of daylight saving time that was shifted past one day in the previous version.
  • Set the reminder that sometimes does not work anymore subsequently a while if screensaver or fullscreen mode has been detected.
  • Code refactoring.

iii.6 - 2019.10.21

  • Add time zone setting to have good sun and moon ascent and set in the whole globe .

three.five - 2019.10.21

  • Better personal Shabat setup by asking birth fourth dimension.
  • Ameliorate min and max years that can be generated (up to 2198).
  • Improve reminder to alter the window colour when only passing the start engagement without waiting the remind filibuster.
  • Add Ctrl+T shortcut to go to today.
  • Add option to ascertain the delay to open up the looming navigation popup.
  • Some improvments.
  • Some fixes.
  • Update aid.

3.4 - 2019.10.19

  • Improve celebration and lunar month finder.
  • Better select urban center window.
  • Change exit button at present doesn't shutdown app but minimize to tray icon.
  • Fix cities names having special diacritics.
  • Ready lunar month's first day duplicated if no moon ascent on the side by side sun twenty-four hour period.

3.3 - 2019.ten.18

  • Ameliorate UI.
  • Some fixes.
  • Some code refactorings.
  • Setup install SQLite ODBC Commuter if not present.

iii.ii - 2019.10.17

  • Add search calendar month window.
  • Set up soukot sun omer date.
  • Fix calendar generated only for north hemisphere if moon omer.
  • Some code refactorings.

3.i - 2019.10.16

  • Add together option to choose between sun or moon day count to determine celebrations to allow a more than traditional use.

3.0 - 2019.x.14

  • Improve the reminder to remind during the celebration day like with the Shabat 24-hour interval.
  • Better the reminder to flash the grade if already displayed.
  • Improve reminder boxes location on the desktop.
  • Improve session ending.
  • Add loading data box instead of using a bottom progressbar.
  • Add displaying begin and end dates and times in the celebration reminder class like with the Shabat.
  • Add looming navigation popup from the tray icon when mouse is over.
  • Add celebration weeks, Shabat days and reminders popup colorization.
  • Add together check end of calendar to automatically regenerate it.
  • Add choice to choose language.
  • Add world cities GPS database.
  • Improve UI.
  • Amend speed.
  • Update help.
  • Some code refactorings.

2.iv - 2019.09.xix

  • Add together pick to disable startup cheque update.
  • Some lawmaking refactorings.

ii.3 - 2019.09.15

  • Set up starting class location.

2.two - 2019.09.10

  • Reminder is disabled if fullscreen or if screen saver is active.

ii.i - 2019.09.04

  • Improve Shabat reminder.
  • Update controls tabs.

two.0 - 2019.08.26

  • Modify Shabat reminder.
  • Reorganize settings form.

1.10 - 2019.08.25

  • Add colors parameters for monthly view.

1.9 - 2019.08.24

  • Improve cheque update.

1.viii - 2019.05.22

  • Add together check update.

1.7 - 2019.04.25

  • Ready Pessa'h length.

1.6 - 2019.04.08

  • Fix tray icon.

1.5 - 2019.01.28

  • Modify current day colour in monthly view.
  • Some code refactorings.
  • Some improvments.

1.4 - 2019.01.21

  • Add together an event reminder.
  • Add together assistance file.

ane.3 - 2019.01.20

  • Add together an option for the Tray Icon mouse click.
  • Add together an option to bear witness/hibernate the main form at startup.
  • Add a monthly view.
  • Add a print card.
  • Meliorate the grid view.

1.2 - 2019.01.18

  • Add together a celebrations window.
  • Improve the navigation window.
  • Meliorate the preferences window.
  • Some issues fixes.

i.1 - 2019.01.17

  • Report is no more generated at every startup.

one.0 - 2019.01.14

  • Initial release.

More data and athenaeum

  • AlternativeTo.net
  • GitHub repository

Hebrew Calendar Calculator Software Free Download


Source: https://www.ordisoftware.com/en/projects/hebrew-calendar/

Posted by: haroldhonant.blogspot.com



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Calendario Escolar 2021 A 2022 Sep Chiapas - Vn5m82gnzif Om

Calendario Escolar 2021 A 2022 Sep Chiapas - Vn5m82gnzif Om . Coordinación general de control escolar. Del 6 de agosto al 11 de septiembre. En caso de que se mantenga en verde, el retorno de las clases presenciales para la educación básica se llevará adelante tal cual esta planteado en este calendario. En esta página web encontrarás calendarios anuales para 2021 entre otros los calendarios del 2022 y 2023. Educastur crea las versiones gráficas del calendario escolar a partir de los datos oficiales publicados en el bopa. Maestros y administrativos se quejan, pues aseguran que la pandemia no fue su culpa, luego de que se difundió un anteproyecto sobre el próximo ciclo escolar. Inicio de ciclo escolar a para estudiantes. 21 de septiembre al 15 de octubre publicación de la convocatoria y entrega de fichas para aspirantes de nuevo ingreso ciclo. 22 de decembro de 2021 a 7 de xaneiro de 2022, ambos os dous inclusive. También se anunció lo que será el plan nueva escuela.